My Baby Boy Surprise

Cast of characters:

  • Just me and my surprise baby boy.

Historical context:

  • My great-grandfather’s name was Leo.  I love the name, and if I had a baby boy today, his name would be Leo.
  • I want kids.  A boy would be great.
  • I recently had an appointment with a surgeon to schedule surgery to have my gallbladder removed.  He told me that, until my surgery, I had to eat a very low-fat diet.  But then he looked at me and said that, by the looks of it, I already ate a low-fat diet, so it shouldn’t be a problem.  Totally untrue, but I was flattered that he thought so, nonetheless. 🙂
  • I like watching Family Guy on TV.  Haven’t in a while, though.

The dream:

I was walking down Monroe St. in front of the Karl Junginger Memorial Library in Waterloo, my home town, when I felt a pain in my belly.  I lifted my shirt and looked at my skinny belly.  All of a sudden I realized that I was 8 months pregnant.  I wondered how I could be 8 months pregnant and still have such a skinny belly.  Then I realized I was in labor.  Within the blink of an eye, I was holding my baby boy, while still standing outside the library.  My baby was swaddled in a white blanket and had a little crocheted white beanie on his head.  I thought that I’d better name him right away.  I started to think of good names for my baby.  I thought that Stan, Spence, and Hank would be good names.  Then I thought that maybe Stillwell would be a good name.  There was a character on Family Guy named Stillwell (ummm, there’s really not, as far as I know???), and I thought that it sounded like a rather regal name.  But then I stopped and remembered that I already had a favorite name for a little boy, but I couldn’t remember what it was.  I thought and thought, and finally it came to me… Leo!  I don’t know what I named the baby in the end, because the dream ended right as I remembered, “Leo.” 🙂